It is a mind-boggling fact that these small creatures hold so much importance in our world. Deemed to be a key species, bees are now in danger of disappearing from our ecosystem. The decline in...
Category: Bee Health
Bees are fascinating creatures. They are hard workers and are very efficient in what they do. We humans rely on the pollinating power of the bees who help us have a variety of food that we consume...
Do Honeybees, Bumblebees and Other Bees Hibernate – The Curious Answer
Here we have collected some information about bees and what thy do to survive during and over winter. From survival techniques during winter to other habits that allow them to survive, we hope we...
In Praise Of The Langstroth Hive: A Detailed History Of This Amazing Invention
Bees, they are responsible for billions of dollars worth of food we consume. We, humans, owe these creatures a lot both agriculturally and environmentally. Studies have shown that they are...
Bees are the best insect pollinator there is and are responsible for about $11 - $15 billion worth of hired industrial pollination work a year. They are responsible for pollinating $30 billion worth...
There's no doubt that bees are crucial to the smooth functioning of our environment as they pollinate plants, fruits, and vegetable gardens. However, most gardens, plants or crop fields are treated...