It may surprise you at first to hear honey can be graded, but it makes sense if you think about it! We get grades in school, restaurants are graded on quality, other food items such as meat receive...
Category: Bee Trivia
Honey has been known for ages to have healing properties. At the very least we can be sure it is one of the most healthy and natural sweeteners available. However, some types of honey have been...
Honey bees have numerous enemies in nature, including wasps (especially yellow jackets), wax moths, hive beetles, and yes, even bears. However, it might come as a surprise for some of you...
Mites? On Bumblebees? When we think of mites generally we think of the kinds that cause problems for us. You know, dust mites, bed bugs, and the like. Did you know that Bumblebees actually can...
A swarm of bees can be an alarming presence. They tend to swarm around any object they can find, and sometimes it can be very difficult to remove a bee swarm. So if this is something you're...
When we think of beehives we sometimes think of a little hive dangling from a tree, the kind from cartoons that bears like Winnie the Pooh would go swat-at or we picture one of those small...