Ask anyone to say the first word that comes into their head after you say the word, ‘bee’ and the likely answer will be, honey! Well, that is at least the first thought that came to my mind. So...
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The community of bees that live in a hive is called a colony. If you have ever seen a beehive, you must have realized that there is a large number of these small creatures in there. They all function...
People are generally concerned about themselves when it comes to bee stings. After caring for themselves, they then care about their dogs. They always want to know what happens to their dogs and how...
A honey queen bee is the most important member of the colony. She is the mother of all the bees in the hive. Whether you are a beekeeper or a person interested in bees, you should discover and...
Are you a Vegan, Vegetarian or just someone concerned about the origin of their food? Have you always wondered if you could make use of honey as in an animal product free diet? I am glad you found...
A hexagon is a six-sided polygon whose sides are equal in measurement. Geometrically speaking, in nature it is as the least wasteful shape. Its compressive shape also makes it one of the strongest...